These Banks Are Paying The FD Up To 9% Interest, Big Banks Are Getting Huge Exposure
If you are considering a FD in any bank, this is the best opportunity now. Currently the small finance bank, which started recently, is paying interest on the bank FD. This is already getting a big challenge from big banks.
Fincayer Small Finance Bank offers a 9.00 interest on FD for 36 months from 24 months. ESAF Small Finance Bank offers interest of 8.75% for 367 days to 727 days. Sunrise Small Finance Bank offers interest of 8.75% for 2 years to 3 years.
On the other hand, there is less interest in the country's major banks compared to this. Axis Bank offers 7.10% interest for 1 year to 14 months. ICICI Bank offers 2 years to 10 years for 7 years, HDFC Bank for 1 year 17 days to 5 years for 5 years, Punjab National Bank and Indian State Bank 6.75 percent.